It is now March 1st, the country is warming up and we have been getting the WARM weather reports from Vegas and Arizona for weeks now. We sit here, in envy, watching our weather report tell us yet another snow front is moving it's way in to visit us and leave it's mark. What I wouldn't give to see a tulip popping up right now!!
We're getting very close to our due date and I can appreciate being very pregnant in the cold weather. Most of the time I feel great in the 5 and 10 below cold...poor Brian though!!! It really sinks in for him when the dog needs to be walked every day and I'm too clumsy on the ice and snow to help with that!
We are inching toward new records with every snow, and I will never forget this, our first official (meaning as residents in our own home) Milwaukee winter. The first time it snowed, I was a few months pregnant, very sick and Brian was at a show in the evening. I went out to shovel our first 6 inches in our VERY LONG midwest driveway...(they are eternal here when we're talking shoveling!) It took about 45 minutes to get about half way down the drive when I see my neighbor across the street walk out and do 3 quick passes down his driveway and poof..done!! I was so prideful by that time...I said I'll be darned if I don't finish this shoveling myself, so I refused to ask him to use the blower. Call it my right of passage to the midwest winter! Shortly after that we got a snowblower of our own and thank goodness! This would have been the wrong winter to have been prideful the whole way through!